- It is recommended you hit 'Restart' when you want to play a new route.

I tried anticipating areas where players may hit back arrows, and I even redirect players back a page when they are close to an alternate ending. HOWEVER, once you have reached the end of a branch, Restarting it will ensure you get the best experience in regards to the sound design.

- - - -

And hot damn I got more invested in this than I the extent I am proud to say like 90% of the sounds in this are custom made, you won't hear them anywhere else folks.

I grabbed a decent amount of sounds from but then mixed and modified for the game. The acoustic guitar + some vocals were recorded myself though. On that note, disclaimer: the acoustic guitar and vocals are recorded for this project and this project alone. I DO NOT grant the right to anyone to extract or circulate my vocals or guitar playing. They are simply for you lucky beans to enjoy in this game, thank you for your understanding.

And on that note (final tangent, I swear), the acoustic guitar I play is the melody to the shanty titled "Stand Your Ground." It's been on mind recently, and I realized the lyrics are oddly suiting to Other Suki. That said, I felt having vocals would distract readers, hence you will only hear an acoustic rendition in game. But, if you would like to hear the song and lyrics, here's a cover I love:


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To anyone who reads the comments, I hope that's a're a reader! And possibly finished some if not most of the branches. IF YOU SEE ANY ERRORS - typos or missing scenes, do let me know. In working on this, I realized there were some huge transition scenes that did not exist...that I swear I wrote but somehow never transferred to the story and the original document died with my old laptop. I will happily go back and edit such things for the sake of you readers.